Еве што позицијата на акните на лицето кажуваат за вашето здравје | Детална мапа!


Дали верувате во алтернативни методи на лекување и дијагностицирање?

Изворна англиска верзија

1. Rectum. 2. Sigmoid colon. 3. Liver. 4. Intestines. 5. Descending large intestine. 6. Left adrenal. 7. Pelvis of the left kidney. 8.Upper pole of the left kidney. 9. Left lobe of liver. 10. Body of gallbladder (corpus vesicae felleae). 11. Left part of transversal colon. 12. Pancreas. 13. Bile-and hepatic excreting ducts. 14. Left kidney. 15. Cardiac pathology. 16. Left kidney urethra. 17. Left lobe of liver. 18. Left mammary [lactiferous]gland. 19. Left lung. 20. Cardiac disorders. 21. Left lung’s bronchus. 22. diaphragm, costal margin. 23. Lesser curvature of stomach. 24. Duodenum’s bulb. 25. Left adrenal. 26. Left inguinal fold. 27. Left ovary for woman, left testicle for men. 28. Left mammary [lactiferous]gland. 29. Pubic fibro cartilaginous joint. 30. Left kidney. 31. Greater curvature of stomach. 32. Left uterine appendage with ovary, left lobe of prostate with testicle. 33. Urinary bladder. 34. Pelvis of the left kidney. 35. pancreas. 36. Left lobe of thyroid gland. 37. Left urethra. 38. Pyloric department of stomach. 39. Womb, prostate’s lobes, perineum. 40. Right mammary [lactiferous]gland. 41. Pyloric department of stomach. 42. Right urethra. 43. Gall-bladder. 44. Right lobe of thyroid gland. 45. Pelvis of the right kidney. 46. Right uterine appendage with ovary, right lobe of prostate with testicle. 47. Lesser curvature of stomach. 48. Right kidney. 49. Right ovary for woman, right testicle for men.50. Iliac lymphatic system. 51. Right adrenal. 52. Intestines. 53. Greater curvature of stomach. 54. Hormonal system. 55. Signs of scleroderma. 56. Intestines. 57. Xiphoid cartilage. 58. Lesser curvature of stomach. 59. Greater curvature of stomach. 60. Right urethra. 61. Right lung’s bronchus. 62. Right mammary [lactiferous]gland. 63. Right lobe of liver. 64. Right urethra. 65. Right lung. 66. Right kidney. 67. Signs of stagnation in kidney, renal calculus, renal sand. 68. Right part of transversal colon. 69. Kidney infection. 70. Right kidney. 71. Body of gallbladder with excretory ducts. 72. Right lobe of liver. 73. Pelvis of the right kidney. 74. Right adrenal. 75. Ascending large intestine (ileocecal angle). 76. Transversal colon. 77. Appendix. 78. Stomach. 79. urinary bladder. 80. Genitals.
